Lab Personnel

Brian Litt, MD

Brian Litt, MD
Lab Director

Brian Litt, M.D., is Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the University of Pennsylvania Epilepsy Center. He is one of the world's leading authorities on Neuroengineering, implantable brain devices and Neurotechnology, particularly for epilepsy. A clinician, scientist, inventor and entrepreneur, Dr. Litt divides his time between directing the Penn Epilepsy Center, Penn's Center for Neuroengineering and Therapeutics, Penn Health-Tech, a new university wide effort to bring new technologies from Penn scientists to patients, and his Philadelphia startup, Blackfynn. Dr. Litt has an Engineering degree from Harvard, received his MD and training in Medicine and Neurology from Johns Hopkins, and has served on the faculty at Hopkins, Emory University, Georgia Tech and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Litt's research focuses on Neuroengineering, specifically hardware, algorithms, machine learning, and high speed computing for implantable devices. He is a co-founder of Blackfynn, MC10 and IntelliMedix, and has contributed enabling technology to NeuroPace, NeuroVista, Medtronic, LevoNova among others. Dr. Litt has authored over 130 peer-reviewed papers, 17 patents, and received numerous honors and awards, including Dana, Klingenstein, Whitaker, Brain Research and Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Fellowships; and research innovation awards from the leading professional organizations in Neurology, Epilepsy and Bioengineering. He serves as an advisor to the NIH/NSF/White House BRAIN Initiative and is on the Editorial Board of Science Translational Medicine. He has mentored over 50 graduate students and postdoctoral Fellows who serve as leaders in academia, industry and government worldwide.

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Core Collaborators

Kathryn Davis, MD
Associate Professor

Department of Neurology

email Kathrynvisit Kathryn's LinkedInvisit Davis Lab website
Flavia Vitale, PhD
Assistant Professor

Department of Neurology

Smit Scholar

email Flaviavisit Flavia's LinkedInvisit Vitale Lab website
Joost Wagenaar, PHD
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
email Joostvisit Joost's LinkedInvisit Joost's Faculty Page
Erin Conrad, MD
Assistant Professor
Joel Stein, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Colin Ellis, MD
Assistant Professor
James Gugger, Jr., MD, PharmD
Assistant Professor

Research Administration

Carolyn Wilkinson, RN, BSN, MRA
Associate Director
email Carolynvisit Carolyn's LinkedIn
Jacqueline Boccanfuso, MRA
Clinical Research IT Specialist
email Jacquelinevisit Jacqueline's LinkedIn
Magda Wernovsky
Clinical Research Coordinator
email Magda
Brad Litt
Clinical Research Coordinator
email Brad
Dhanya Mahesh
Clinical Research Coordinator
LinkedIn Pageemail Dhanya
Joshua Asuncion
Data Analyst
LinkedIn PageEmail Joshua
Ashley Tranquille
Clinical Research Coordinator
LinkedIn Pageemail Ashley

Clinical Scientists

Colin Ellis, MD
Assistant Professor

Department of Neurology

Mirowski Scholar

email Colin
Joel Stein, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor

Department of Radiology

email Joel
Taneeta Mindy Ganguly, MD

Department of Neurology

email Mindyvisit Mindy's LinkedIn
Erin Conrad, MD
Assistant Professor

Department of Neurology

email Erin
James Gugger
Assistant Professor
email James

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Nishant Sinha, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Department of Bioengineering

email Nishantvisit Nishant's Google Scholar page
Brendan Murphy, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Department of Bioengineering

Email Brendan
Mehrnaz Mojtabavi, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Department of Bioengineering

Email Mehrnaz
Brittany Scheid

Department of Bioengineering

email Brittanyvisit Brittany's LinkedIn

MD/PhD Students

Andre Revell

Perelman School of Medicine

School of Engineering and Applied Science

email Andy

PhD Students

Nina Ghosn

School of Engineering and Applied Science

email Ninavisit Nina's LinkedIn
Georgios Mentzelopoulos

School of Engineering and Applied Science

email Georgevisit George's LinkedIn
Peter Galer

School of Engineering and Applied Science

email Petervisit Peter's LinkedIn
Kevin Xie

School of Engineering and Applied Science

email Kevinvisit Kevin's LinkedIn

Master’s Students

Jal Panchal

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Email JalVisit Jal's LinkedIn

Lab Interns